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Rather than duplicate the fine collections of links to be found elsewhere, gridlocksmith has chosen some of the best collections of established agencies, foundations, etc.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (well organized and comprehensive)
Governors Highway Safety Association (well organized by issues)
Truck Safety Coalition (links to State DOTs, Federal Agencies, and more)
These are the top three, at the moment. If you believe that your link page can ace out any of the above, please email with the subject, "better link page."
There are a number of forums and discussion boards, out there, but, I have not seen anything else quite like this "Think Tank." (Full disclosure: I set it up in 1998, and we had some good discussions, for a while. Things have slowed, and it needs some fresh blood... yours, perhaps?)

Click to check out CareAboutTraffSafety
Below are links to GRTSAs (Grass Roots Traffic Safety Activists), along with some others who may not be considered "activists," but may be useful, nonetheless.
If you belong here, but are not, email with the subject, "new grtsa."
America Walks online support network for local pedestrian advocacy groups
apbp professionals and advocates working in the field of non-motorized transportation - National Center for Bicycling & Walking - program of the Bicycle Federation of America, their mission is to create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities.
Cruisin’ With Kids LLC was founded in 2004 by first time parents looking for a product they could use to alert motorists and Emergency Medical Services that their newborn son was in their car.
Dr Driving insights regarding psychology of driving
Gridlock Sam NYC traffic go to guy - more than a column in the Daily News (if you have kids, ever see kids, ever were a kid...)
The Kyle David Miller Foundation was started after we lost our 3 year old son Kyle in a motor vehicle accident... we researched car seats extensively and found that rarely known about car seats existed that could hold a child in a 5-point harness up to 80 pounds. We now know that if Kyle had been in one of these seats, he would have survived... a charitable program that could provide these larger 5-point harness car seats to these families in need...(more about)
M.A.D.D. (the big momma of grtsa's)
Here is a good background article from
Pedestrian Perils half hour documentaries available, report perils here -also- the largest known set of links to pedestrian sites on the internet! (focused primarily on the Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 corridor in metro NYC area)
NPR series, "How Safe Are Our Roads?"
(Listen or read transcripts.)
SPECIAL SECTION: ATTITUDE on anger and driving This short page should be required reading for all.
"People get the most angry, resentful, or impatient when they feel the most powerless.
...we are all at the mercy of anger-junkies, who use anger for energy and pain-relief. Anger dilates the eyes, distorts depth perception, makes the foot heavier on the gas, and destroys sound judgment."
What can one say about a guy who plans on spending ten years, driving about the country, encouraging folks to take on the challenge of performing one million acts of kindness?
Imagine how much safer our roads will be when all drivers are looking for ways to be kind to one another. How important is that to "Road Peace?" (and World Peace)
Labels: grass roots traffic safety activists, links