THE GRIDLOCKSMITH, traffic safety activist, "Roads Scholar," former "Road Warrior" who lost a brother (aged,15) on the road in 1969, has compiled many observations and ideas about traffic safety after 3 decades of driving for a living. "Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? Set a safe example in traffic." You, too, can be a gridlocksmith. "Road-Peace is a step toward World Peace." - Earl Shoop

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Location: Silver Spring, MARYLAND, United States

Looking for what's logical, efficient, kind and fun... Traffic safety became a personal issue when my youngest brother died on the highway. I observed traffic unsafety while driving for a living(30yrs). Spread the word about "Road-Peace" as a step on the road to World Peace. Since those wise and gentle enough to create World Peace will not treat each other as we now do, in traffic, the road is a good place to focus our efforts. see

Friday, March 18, 2011

NYC "Hack"

Now and then, I search for a traffic safety related phrase to see if something interesting pops up. The phrase, "gentle drivers" produced, of course, a variety of results, ranging from computer drivers to Star Wars At-At drivers. It also pointed out this blog post from a NYC cabby, in which pedestrians, as well as drivers, are admonished to behave themselves in a way that... well, check it out for yourself.

As you may have noticed, I'm way behind in my blog posting. There are quite a few "draft" posts, waiting for my artful prose to find its muse. Eventually, they will be posted, not in the order that they see the light of cyberspace, but in the order they were saved as drafts... so, they will, shall we say, back fill.

This will happen more frequently, as my wife continues to recover from the operation that added 2 rods and 12 screws to her neck fusing C-3 to T-1. Being a wisp of a ** year-old lady with CP, the rehab has had some challenges, but she is eager to resume a life of adventure, and longs to hit the hiking trails.

The gridlocksmith store has different departments... this one is just for bumper stickers... Buy 'em by the dozen and give them to friends!