Drive alertly and kindly and enjoy life longer.
COMING ATTRACTIONS...(in no particular order)
A Traffic Safety "Think Tank?"Like this one?...
Operation S.E.T. - Ready to Launch?
Road, Vehicle, and Driver Improvement Articles
True War Stories from Road Warriors -one is here
Links to Traffic Safety Allies
Links to awesome sites like DARWIN AWARDS
"Ask The Gridlocksmith"
Maledictions for Roadragers
by I. M. Fowlmouth (We are working on censorship issues.)
Defeeting Arrogant Pedestariums
by M. Tyson
"How Traffic Drove Me To Seek Country Life"
by Dee Parton
"Why Roads And Cars Need Redundant Safety Features"
by Prudence Cawshen
"Why You Don't Want to Lose Your License to Drive"
by I. B. Walken
"Traffic Myths and Urban Legends"
by Dee Bunker
Letters, Articles and Excerpts from:
- Bo Guss wrote here
- Kay Passa
- Sir Nomduhploome
- Sue Preame
- Otto B. Kaerfel
- Sheriff Will Gechah
- "Pa" Drollmann
- Ivan Ovellich
- Tim Idmann
- Otto Driver
- Les Toylen
- Miss Nomer
- Ivanna Hemmy
- Otto Mubeel
- Guy Ondastreet
- Plus Poems and Pix and Input From You! -here
Here is the most recent edition.
Free Hit Counters
Labels: allies, gridlocksmith, upcoming