My heart wants to cry,
"Why, oh why, oh why?"
The officers felt
They needed no belt.
Is that why they die?
Another reminder that Police are not exempt from the laws of physics...
Washington Post, Thursday, March 11, 2010 page B-1 (bottom, left)
"...his cruiser hit some ice and then a pole." This happened in February. In hospital, it appeared that he might recover. Then... "he died Tuesday night."
It saddens me beyond words, each time I see another story about another cop who would have survived... (sob!) Police are charged with the duty of enforcing seat belt laws for the rest of us. When will they crack down on themselves?
My heart wants to cry,
"Why, oh why, oh why?"
The officers felt
They needed no belt.
That is why they die.
Labels: "Buckle Up", "laws of physics", "seat belt, died, ice, police
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